
The tread pattern is only parts J2543 from direct contact with the tire and the

The tread pattern is only parts J2543 from direct contact with the tire and the road surface

Looks, its shape, arrangement but the combination of a simple straight line and arc the fact here bears the essence of tire technology side, directly affect tire grip and tire noise, rolling resistance and other properties.

The pattern of the major types:

Longitudinal zigzag pattern (as opposed to the circular direction of the tire) - the rolling resistance can be J2543   minimized, to generate greater resistance to the sliding;

Lug - and the tire is located on the tread in the form of an approximately right angle, with good ground adhesion ability, but the larger the rolling resistance, the smaller capacity of anti-skid the larger tire noise;

Combinations of patterns - by the the longitudinal the polylines pattern and lug combination;

The interval pattern - this tread pattern rule tread groove divided into many separate sections, can provide better driving and
Volvo Dice Vida braking performance, muddy or snow-covered roads at the same time, reduce the slipping and sliding shift.

That the tire tread in addition to those deep and thick molded grooves, some shallow, seem knife from the tread grooves. J · F · SIPE kind of groove with the name of its American inventor named, called "SIPES" (sipes), sometimes referred to as the knife pattern. These patterns can clear the tread and contact area of stagnant water, the tire firmly attached to the road when the vehicle is traveling in the wet road. Further, when the tires on the pavement flexes, these patterns will be open to provide additional adhesion of.

Our choice of tire tread may even not very concerned about, and some vehicles

