
The carburetor car's vacuum line Lexia 3 v47

The vacuum line 87 and 92, Lexia 3 v47 two kinds, 92 is divided into three and five, 87 temperature of empty switch is in the air filter, also, is gxcrazy goes FIG, 92 in the intake manifold.

  The thermostat switch work: Whether 87 or 92, and three or five, it is the use of paraffin heat expansion and opened and closed a road vacuum switch.

  Thermoswitch on three interfaces (three tubes respectively referred to as a 12 3.1 is close to the engine; 2 is to the distributor 3 is connected to the carburetor behind the throttle on the finer interface ) 2 is a vacuum motor and vacuum solenoid valve to the distributor .1 is connected to the lower portion of the carburetor throttle valve (relatively coarse), a lot of vacuum suction, in the cold state 1 and 2 is conducting, it is in vacuum solenoid valve cold start from the top and distributor ignition advance Lexia 3 v47  to favor cars and high idling the paraffin expansion when the temperature rises, the thermostat switch gradually to close this road, the 2 and 3 conduction .3 due is on the throttle valve and the smaller, the vacuum suction is variable in a different load, that is, large load suction distributor is automatically adjusted in advance under different working conditions.

87 connection

  92 points three and five, five and two control emissions, all the way then the canister; another road and through the links, the crankcase; over the fuel tank exhaust canister and then into the carburetor to the secondary
NEXIQ 125032 combustion.

  Both 3 and 5 have vacuum harness assembly to sell, nor expensive, to the thermostat switch headache, 5 imports, poor quality, I had 10 years to pick out only a can try: 12 at room temperature conduction heating temperature sensing surface after 12 off 23 conduction.

